Automatically reboot TP-Link router WDR4300 / N750 with bash script
I wanted to reboot some TP-Link WDR4300 routers automatically, because the TP-Link firmware is rather buggy and often causes WLAN problems after a few days of use.
Sadly, rebooting those routers with current firmwares is not quite as easy as it used to be (simple and short one-line curl call). You first have to generate a cookie with the name ‘Authorization’ and value
urlencode(Basic base64($admin:md5($password)))
(pseudocode). And then you have to extract some kind of one-time key from the post-login page to get the actual HTTP address of the reboot page (http://$IP/$KEY/userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm?Reboot=Reboot ). Did I mention you also have to set your HTTP referer to the reboot page?