Analytical convolution integral (Analytische Faltung) with Matlab and Maple
With and
Function 1 (e.g. input signal/Eingangssignal):
Function 2 (e.g. impulse response/Stoßantwort):
Symbolic Math Toolbox needs to be installed for analytical calculations
function y = conv_plot() syms t T R C F(t) = int(u(T)*g(t-T),'T',-inf,+inf); simplify(F(t)) F(t) = subs(F(t), {R, C}, {1000, 10E-4}); ezplot(F(t), [-1, 7]) end function y = u(t) y=heaviside(t-1) - heaviside(t-4); end function y = g(t) syms R C y=-1/(R*C)*exp(-t/(R*C))*heaviside(t)+dirac(t); end
restart; g:=-1/(R*C)*exp(-t/(R*C))*Heaviside(t)+Dirac(t): g_f:=unapply(g, t); u:=Heaviside(t-1)-Heaviside(t-4): u_f:=unapply(u, t); convolved:=int(u_f(T)*g_f(t-T), T=-infinity..infinity): simplify(convolved); y:=subs(R=1000, C=10E-4, convolved): plot(y, t=-1..7);
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